Web Development

  • Web Development
  • Diversity
  • Responsive Pages
  • SEO

Small Business Solutions Wordpress-logo                

For customers with simpler needs and a tighter budget, we also provide web solutions built with WordPress. Recognized as the most popular Content Management System in the world, WordPress comes with a great set of featurs designed to make your experience as a publisher on the Internet as easy, pleasant and appealing as possible. Leveraging its huge ecosystem of third-party themes and plug-ins, M3A Corp can build you a professional web presence with WordPress branded to your company image and tailored to your specific requirements.

Enterprise Solutions sitefinity-content-management-system

M3A Corp specializes in the design and implementation of Sitefinity Content Management Software. Sitefinity has received numerous awards as the premium development platform for the construction and management of websites, community portals, and intranets. The product provides unrivaled usability with extensive customization capabilities, and most importantly, it offers simplicity and ease-of-use for customers who wish to maintain and enhance their own website.

With a solid background in Consulting and Business Solutions, M3A Corp is equipped to handle the most demanding web projects, including development of custom functionality and integration with complex back-end systems.


Standards and Accessibility

We pride ourselves on quality, which means strict adherence to modern web standards and careful attention to best practices that are, unfortunately, not yet commonplace in the website development industry. The movement towards robust Web Standards has produced quantifiable savings, return on investment, and value.

We are an authorized reseller for the BrowseAloud product, which adds speech and reading support tools to online content for the 20% of the population that requires reading support. This includes those with dyslexia, learning difficulties, mild visual impairments and those with English as a second language.


Future-Proof Your Investment

The Web is a truly universal platform, and will continue to be supported and maintained long after other platforms have fallen by the wayside. New systems in the future will use the Web as the foundation. When you build using established Web standards, you are using those parts of the web most likely to survive and thrive in the future. You can be sure that your creation will continue to be supported by multiple vendors and devices far into the future. Building on Web standards now protects your investment in the present and continue to reap dividends in the future.


More Efficient Management

Designing across browsers and managing documents efficiently has been the bane of the Web designer/developers existence. Following standards and practices allows for the creation of a workflow that saves not only time, but wear and tear on Web designers and developers working with these difficult challenges. Using a Web standards workflow, time, money and the quality of life for the most valuable of resources: the people on your teams can help improve this ongoing challenge in the standards environment.

Search Engine Optimization

Perhaps the most compelling argument when it comes to value of standards is that if you are writing markup, CSS and JavaScript according to the standards ideologies, you are opening up a world of opportunity when it comes to better SEO. The technical reason is because a semantic markup document holding primarily linear text content allows search engines to find headers and critical keywords within text that much faster.


Universal Access

Whether designing for a PDA or a visually-impaired individual, the concept of Universal Access (which includes numerous modalities such as phones, print, web site all coming from the same document as well as access for those with specific disabilities) is far more easily achieved using the techniques advocated by Web standards, making a document significantly more style-able and scriptable for those multiple reasons.



As sites grow, and they have a tendency to do so, a great deal of effort can be saved by having an existing standards workflow and corporate/organizational design guide. This empowers people to scale, refresh and even redesign sites with greater ease than in non-standard design, in which each page "carries" its design with it rather than being controlled by external style sheets. By separating document, presentation and interaction behavior on the technical side, a very significant amount of time, money and frustration can be avoided as a site grows.


Improved User Experience

The lighter-weight files associated with standards-based design mean an improved experience for the user. In order to be effective, sites have to be easy to use and allow the user to get to their goal quickly. A clean infrastructure and the smaller files typically resulting from a Web standards workflow can have a significant impact on the load time and responsiveness of a site, keeping your users happy customers.