Server Managed Services

  • What are Server Managed Services?

Are Server Managed Services right for your business?

Our proactive approach to Server Managed Services features system maintenance and support services designed to help your business become more productive. By increasing the availability of servers and services critical to your business, both your customers and your employees will experience significantly decreased service disruptions.
Our Server Managed Services offering features industry-standard operational frameworks and procedures proven to reduce downtime and prevent system failures. You can trust our team of industry-certified IT professionals (available at a fraction of the cost of an in-house IT staff) to implement, manage, support and monitor all of your business servers.

1 Server

1-4 Computers

24/7 online support ticket access

Discounted offsite backup price $65 per server per month (up to a total of 50GB*)

1 NEWS** license, $50 per addtl license

$115 hourly rate


1 Server

5-7 Computers

24/7 online support ticket access

Discounted offsite backup price $65 per server per month (up to a total of 50GB*)

1 NEWS** license, $50 per addtl license

$110 hourly rate


Up to 2 Servers

8-14 Computers

24/7 online support ticket access

Discounted offsite backup price $55 per server per month (up to a total of 200GB*)

2 NEWS** licenses, $50 per addtl license

$105 hourly rate


Up to 3 Servers

15-22 Computers

24/7 online support ticket access

Discounted offsite backup price $65 per server per month (up to a total of 250GB*)

3 NEWS** licenses, $50 per addtl license

$100 hourly rate


Up to 5 Servers

23-50 Computers

24/7 online support ticket access

Discounted offsite backup price $55 per server per month (up to a total of 300GB*)

3 NEWS** licenses, $50 per addtl license

$95 hourly rate


Up to 10 Servers

51-80 Computers

24/7 online support ticket access

Discounted offsite backup price $55 per server per month (up to a total of 350GB*)

5 NEWS** licenses, $50 per addtl license

$75 hourly rate


Up to 12 Servers

81-120 Computers

24/7 online support ticket access

Discounted offsite backup price $55 per server per month (up to a total of 400GB*)

5 NEWS** licenses, $50 per addtl license

$70 hourly rate


Up to 14 Servers

121-160 Computers

24/7 online support ticket access

Discounted offsite backup price $55 per server per month (up to a total of 450GB*)

5 NEWS** licenses, $50 per addtl license

$65 hourly rate


Up to 16 Servers

161-200 Computers

24/7 online support ticket access

Discounted offsite backup price $55 per server per month (up to a total of 500GB*)

5 NEWS** licenses, $50 per addtl license

$60 hourly rate